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The Destruction of the Internet by Abrogation

In Islam there is a law called “abrogation” in which the Quran is subject only to the final declarations of Allah if they contradict prior statements.

This convenient method of self-justification has become the internet’s new strategy of censorship. Here’s how it works.

A story is reported such, like this one, where it was discovered the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stated on video that “(Islamic) honour killings should not be called barbaric.”

Veil stories are then created which gobble up headline searches, such as the apparent apology Trudeau gave (though it was not actually an apology).

The veil story is pushed to the top of search engines with bogus headlines such as “Trudeau apologizes for barbaric comments” and the original story disappears from the feed, buried in the back pages.

People then search for the story after it inevitably surfaces on their social media feed or by word of mouth but find only positive spins of the event published by uninterested media giants.

This is the essential process of abrogation working by burying high traffic, and usually true, stories.

But this is not supposed to be how search engines work. Regardless of how old a story is, if it is the most well trafficked link it should appear at the top of the results; they no longer do.

Internet search engines work in factored fractional search method by isolating three main factors to determine a page’s relevancy.

  1. The keywords found on the page, metadata, and keyword data.
  2. The proliferation (bot scanning) of the site by engines developed by Google, Yahoo and other engines.
  3. The popular relevancy (determined by list clicking) which essentially counts which sites are clicked on based on where they are found in the search list. This provides servers with intelligent understanding of what people want to see when they search for a term such as “Clinton Body Count”

But you may have noticed that finding what you want has become more difficult; doing research online has become a pain, but not because of previously unsophisticated search engine intelligence, but a deliberate abrogation of web pages, sites and terms.

How Far Have They Gone?

The breaking of the coding of search engines is a clear and ordered, organized attempt to subvert you and your research into anything that has been deemed “volatile information” by Google tech giants.

As a result of their religious plight individual box search parameters have been created for individual story shielding. That means that for each story, say, the fact that there was no Russian collusion found by the Mueller, must be hand vetted out of existence, veiled or otherwise scrubbed into oblivion.

This creates serious problems for the Google empire and competing search bots; they don’t know what stories, as there are very many of them, to block and when and what method to use.

If Google scrubs and Infowars story about child sex trafficking in the Vatican, there must be an additional scrubbing by other engines like Bing, Yahoo or Gigablast.

To test this well documented fact I used two contrasting search engines and typed in an identical term to see what pops up, “Clinton Body Count”.


Site Obliteration

As you can see in the comparison, on Google, the first story is by Snopes.com in which they claim the Clintons have not been linked to any suspicious deaths. In the Gigablast search however the results are much different; the popular and one of the first sites to post this story.

It would make sense that the first sites that posted the story would be found at the top of the search results because they would have accumulated to most visits and therefore the most relevancy among other, later pages attempting to refute the story.

In this case the top result on Gigablast from whatreallyhappened.org not only does not appear at the top of the Google results (or Bing for that matter), it does not appear at all.

This well vetted story is the culmination of long hours spent by Google who have researched or have been provided with details from the Clintons on which sites to obliterate.

The Effect on Google

There is a clear and evident negative effect on Googles engine that results from the algorithmic patching found in the book of wisdom.

Matthew 9:16 No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse.

Google is essentially ripping their garment (the algorithm that determines site relevancy), ripping out the parts they do not like, and patching in new search results. This rocks the foundations of Googles viability as an engine because as the algorithm is tweaked more and more the conflicting scheduling of block, veils and obliterations will begin, and have begun, to conflict. The rent is made worse.

Think of it alternatively like a stage play in which the director (or curator as Apple’s CEO said) begins to can cast members out because he is jealous of their ability and brings in inferior actors to fill the rolls, or the art pieces torn from Apple’s platform for unsellable pieces which drive customers away from his art gallery. This is all a ploy of self destruction.

Intentional Vetting

At the end of the day, that wise wisdom that says the love of money is the root of all evil is true here too. Google is being paid, rewarded or otherwise compensating for destroying the viability of their engine by people like the Clintons, Soros and others.

Google doesn’t want you, it doesn’t want your money, your loyalty or your patronage. It has tailored its engines to appeal to a dying breed of sociocratic maleficent gangster style customer who wants drab not fab, sluts not mutts and whores and bores…

Good luck with all that.

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