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The Civil World War

The rise of nationalism has given birth to a door-to-door, person-to-person warfare unlike any other: a Civil World War.

I first thought of this idea while watching a recent Infowars special report on the sexualization of children in which Alex Jones laid out the lengthy plan that has unfolded.

We are not able to identify any nation with which we are fighting, we are not able to identify any flag with which to rally against. The civil world war is fought between ideologies, beliefs and faiths against an enemy which has no identifiable nation or people.

They have hidden in the shadows of our legislatures and judiciaries; they have spiked the punch of love and tainted, unmercifully, our ideas of goodness and purity.

So, as we fight this, we have no enemy that we can see but our very neighbours, family members and friends who have turned either one way or another to an ideal of what the world is and where it should ultimately end up.

There are two sides; one where freedom means the self-mutilation of heart, mind, body and soul and the other a confidence in what we were made to be.

This vile ideology has nested itself in between every law and custom of every nation. In the United States, fundamental rights have been used to procreate fundamental insanities: the teaching of children to deny their very biology, the denial of obvious fact in a general dedication to confusion.

These fundamental ideals cannot be fought any longer with facts, because they deny facts, it cannot be fought with words, because they cannot hear reason: we see the collapse of logic and reasoning in this, that man should hate what he cannot control.

In a pure example of logic and reasoning I present to you the word ‘woman”; a word with an etymology of “out of man” stemming from the Biblical story of Eve having been formed by God from Adam’s rib.

If indeed we fight an adversary that denies God then his fundamental push should be to eliminate these concepts and therefore the words and structures atop which our beliefs have been founded. Indeed, if they do not believe the Scriptures, they do not believe the Woman is out of man.

And thus man also, meaning earthy, the story of Adam being formed by God out of the dirt, is also irrelevant. These two examples show us not just who we are, but what they are trying to destroy.

It then follows through, as I saw Owen Benjamin mention in a recent podcast, we must follow through with their logic; it is a logic that is based upon the idea that we can do anything, that nothing is impossible, and so therefore man can be woman and woman man because neither truly exists.

This civil world war is fought man-to-man, person-to-person and I have seen child-to-child. Its no longer a battle of ideals, but a war of desire.

God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God.

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