
Looking for Truth?
Join the Toronto Truth Seekers [TTS]

The Toronto Truth Seekers [TTS] is a group dedicated to the pursuit of truth and justice for people around the world. They represent an ever-present and rapidly expanding group of individuals dedicated to exposing 9/11 truth to the public consciousness.

I became a member just a year ago and attended my first meeting in July, 2010. It was a great experience handing out flyers and just getting into the the thick of things. I had conversations with many people who I thought were resistant to change, but, upon hearing my ideas, opened up.

If being a TTS has given me anything its a relief from the fear of my fellow citizen.

There are tones of similar groups throughout the net, but be careful and choose wisely.

Search for a meet-up spot near you or start your own meet-up group. Hand out flyers and information about things you are passionate about and spread the news.

Never assume that people know. Chances are they don’t!


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